Our data are classified according to the following schema:
Identifiable Record-Level Data: Data that include elements that directly identify an individual. By definition, identifiable record-level data contain personal health information (PHI).
De-identified Record-Level Data: Data that include elements that may constitute identifying information because there may be reasonably foreseeable circumstances in which the data could be used, alone or with other information, to identify an individual (e.g., if linked with publicly available data). Thus, de-identified record-level data may contain PHI.
Aggregate Data: Summed and/or categorized data that are analyzed and placed in a format that precludes further analysis (for example, in tables or graphs) to prevent the chance of revealing an individual’s identity (individual records cannot be reconstructed). Aggregate data do not include PHI.
Published Data: Data made available to the public. Published data do not include PHI.